More zoom, less travel

So, here we are another year on. Not a great year for blogging (haha)! And we have somehow got more used to juggling between virtual and face to face…

So, as I enter my 70th year, I reflect on how more zoom has meant less travel. And travel has become more complicated. But gradually travel has resumed.

In May last year we couldn’t return to Argentina, but finally got to visit Jersey… (by boat). Our son Sam and his family had gone to live there, and we have since come to love the island, having previously only known Guernsey well!

In August we headed back to Argentina… (a lot later than expected!) The journey was fraught, but eventually we made it to Buenos Aires, and enjoyed quarantine there before travelling north, and reaching our Juarez destination in October. In December I was back in Buenos Aires, and again in March en route to Montevideo.

Once in Argentina we hit the road again….  Our main work has always been visiting far flung communities, so we had some catching up to do. This gets harder the older you get, and we are having to slow down a little!

And in March and April we visited Uruguay and Bolivia …… After so many months of virtual meetings it was great to be able to spend quality time with colleagues, as well as breathing in the sea air, and the sights and sounds! (All these trips are described in more detail in Catherine’s chat:

But the trip to London in March/April turned out to be the most fascinating. Never before have I stayed the night in the city centre. So to be a guest at Lambeth Palace (together with 30 or so other Primates), was an unexpected oprivilege.

The fellowship, prayer and discussion with colleagues at “high table”, and the sense of being in the welcoming home of the Archbishop of Canterbury and his wife, was special.

I also got to Jersey again, and enjoyed being with the young family too!

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